The following are the things for which a person enjoys the fruits in this world, while the principal remains for them in the World-to-Come: The honoring of one’s parents, the practice of loving kindness, and the making of peace between one to another. But the study of the Torah is equal to them all. –Mishnah Pe’a 1:1 Study is greater, for it leads to practice. –Talmud Kiddushin 40b
10-Minute Challenge
Have you ever had one of those moments, a peak experience, when time slows down and everything fades away? You lose track of space and time. You are in the flow. You are in the zone. You are fully present in the moment. You become one with all that is reality.
Rabbi David Benjamin Fainsilber
This website is as much about you as it is about me, my own soul’s expression offered to move us both forward together. Perhaps my life’s work reflected here in thought, music and the 10-Minute Challenge will arouse your capacity to find the melody of your own soul.
Hailing from the Great North White of Montreal, Rabbi David Fainsilber currently lives with his wife Alison and their three young children in Morrisville, Vermont. Rabbi David is known to bring great passion to creating musical, participatory prayer experiences that touch the soul; building community by opening doors for unaffiliated seekers and experienced practitioners alike; deepening ancient Jewish wisdom by renewing its application to our 21st century lives; and rallying people to act for causes that impact real people and communities. Current rabbi of the Jewish Community of Greater Stowe, Rabbi David is a Hebrew College Rabbinical School alum; a musician and writer; and former interfaith CIRCLE fellow, AJWS Kol Tzedek Fellow, and rabbinic intern for MIT and Tufts Hillels.
He is also more than slightly obsessed with Crossfit; recently has got into chopping wood; and loves wrestling with his kids.